A handful of us finally had the privilege of volunteering at the FORCE Cancer Support Centre at the Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital one drizzly afternoon in February. Galvin (head gardener and a regular volunteer) showed us around the centre which houses therapy and counselling rooms, as well as their beautiful garden.

Throughout the building are large windows and numerous doors that open into the garden, so people can enjoy the view and head outside whenever they want to. Galvin mentioned that a lot of the patients who come to the centre have developed sensitive skin from their treatments and get real joy from wandering around the garden, feeling the different plants and leaves.

The ATASS volunteers got stuck in with any and all gardening tasks that Galvin could think of: weeding borders; adding in colourful new flowers; blow-torching old wooden planters to make them look more attractive; even demolishing and rebuilding a large trellis! We worked alongside another regular volunteer; a lovely lady who visits regularly and who is a qualified horticulturist!
A wonderful cause and a wonderful afternoon. We hope to go back and help again soon.